ChromeOptions::addArguments() — Method in class ChromeOptions
ChromeOptions::addExtensions() — Method in class ChromeOptions

Add a Chrome extension to install on browser startup. Each path should be a packed Chrome extension.

ChromeOptions::addEncodedExtensions() — Method in class ChromeOptions
FirefoxProfile::addExtension() — Method in class FirefoxProfile
FirefoxProfile::addExtensionDatas() — Method in class FirefoxProfile
$ WebDriverActions#actionProperty in class WebDriverActions
WebDriverCompositeAction::addAction() — Method in class WebDriverCompositeAction

Add an WebDriverAction to the sequence.

DesiredCapabilities::android() — Method in class DesiredCapabilities
RemoteTargetLocator::alert() — Method in class RemoteTargetLocator

Switch to the currently active modal dialog for this particular driver instance.

RemoteTargetLocator::activeElement() — Method in class RemoteTargetLocator

Switches to the element that currently has focus within the document currently "switched to", or the body element if this cannot be detected.

RemoteWebDriver::action() — Method in class RemoteWebDriver

Construct a new action builder.

WebDriverAlert::accept() — Method in class WebDriverAlert

Accept alert

WebDriverEventListener::afterNavigateTo() — Method in class WebDriverEventListener
WebDriverEventListener::afterNavigateBack() — Method in class WebDriverEventListener
WebDriverEventListener::afterNavigateForward() — Method in class WebDriverEventListener
WebDriverEventListener::afterFindBy() — Method in class WebDriverEventListener
WebDriverEventListener::afterScript() — Method in class WebDriverEventListener
WebDriverEventListener::afterClickOn() — Method in class WebDriverEventListener
WebDriverEventListener::afterChangeValueOf() — Method in class WebDriverEventListener
WebDriverExpectedCondition::alertIsPresent() — Method in class WebDriverExpectedCondition

An expectation for whether an alert() box is present.

WebDriverOptions::addCookie() — Method in class WebDriverOptions

Add a specific cookie.

WebDriverTargetLocator::alert() — Method in class WebDriverTargetLocator

Switch to the currently active modal dialog for this particular driver instance.

WebDriverTargetLocator::activeElement() — Method in class WebDriverTargetLocator

Switches to the element that currently has focus within the document currently "switched to", or the body element if this cannot be detected.


EventFiringWebDriverNavigation::back() — Method in class EventFiringWebDriverNavigation
WebDriverEventListener::beforeNavigateTo() — Method in class WebDriverEventListener
WebDriverEventListener::beforeNavigateBack() — Method in class WebDriverEventListener
WebDriverEventListener::beforeNavigateForward() — Method in class WebDriverEventListener
WebDriverEventListener::beforeFindBy() — Method in class WebDriverEventListener
WebDriverEventListener::beforeScript() — Method in class WebDriverEventListener
WebDriverEventListener::beforeClickOn() — Method in class WebDriverEventListener
WebDriverEventListener::beforeChangeValueOf() — Method in class WebDriverEventListener
WebDriverNavigation::back() — Method in class WebDriverNavigation

Move back a single entry in the browser's history, if possible.


ChromeDriverClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Chrome
ChromeDriver::create() — Method in class ChromeDriver

Always throws an exception. Use ChromeDriver::start() instead.

ChromeDriver::createBySessionID() — Method in class ChromeDriver

Always throws an exception. Use ChromeDriver::start() instead.

ChromeDriverServiceClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Chrome
ChromeDriverService::createDefaultService() — Method in class ChromeDriverService
ChromeOptionsClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Chrome

The class manages the capabilities in ChromeDriver.

WebDriverActions::click() — Method in class WebDriverActions

Mouse click.

WebDriverActions::clickAndHold() — Method in class WebDriverActions

Mouse click and hold.

WebDriverActions::contextClick() — Method in class WebDriverActions

Context-click (right click).

DesiredCapabilities::chrome() — Method in class DesiredCapabilities
$ HttpCommandExecutor#commandsProperty in class HttpCommandExecutor
$ HttpCommandExecutor#curlProperty in class HttpCommandExecutor
RemoteMouse::click() — Method in class RemoteMouse
RemoteMouse::contextClick() — Method in class RemoteMouse
RemoteWebDriver::create() — Method in class RemoteWebDriver

Construct the RemoteWebDriver by a desired capabilities.

RemoteWebDriver::createBySessionID() — Method in class RemoteWebDriver

[Experimental] Construct the RemoteWebDriver by an existing session.

RemoteWebDriver::close() — Method in class RemoteWebDriver

Close the current window.

RemoteWebElement::clear() — Method in class RemoteWebElement

If this element is a TEXTAREA or text INPUT element, this will clear the value.

RemoteWebElement::click() — Method in class RemoteWebElement

Click this element.

DriverService::checkExecutable() — Method in class DriverService

Check if the executable is executable.

EventFiringWebDriver::close() — Method in class EventFiringWebDriver
EventFiringWebElement::click() — Method in class EventFiringWebElement
EventFiringWebElement::clear() — Method in class EventFiringWebElement
WebDriver::close() — Method in class WebDriver

Close the current window.

WebDriverBy::className() — Method in class WebDriverBy

Locates elements whose class name contains the search value; compound class names are not permitted.

WebDriverBy::cssSelector() — Method in class WebDriverBy

Locates elements matching a CSS selector.

WebDriverElement::clear() — Method in class WebDriverElement

If this element is a TEXTAREA or text INPUT element, this will clear the value.

WebDriverElement::click() — Method in class WebDriverElement

Click this element.

WebDriverMouse::click() — Method in class WebDriverMouse
WebDriverMouse::contextClick() — Method in class WebDriverMouse


WebDriverTouchScreen::doubleTap() — Method in class WebDriverTouchScreen

Double tap on the touch screen using finger motion events.

WebDriverTouchScreen::down() — Method in class WebDriverTouchScreen

Finger down on the screen.

$ WebDriverActions#driverProperty in class WebDriverActions
WebDriverActions::doubleClick() — Method in class WebDriverActions

Double click.

WebDriverActions::dragAndDrop() — Method in class WebDriverActions

Drag and drop from $source to $target.

WebDriverActions::dragAndDropBy() — Method in class WebDriverActions

Drag $source and drop by offset ($x_offset, $y_offset).

WebDriverTouchActions::down() — Method in class WebDriverTouchActions
WebDriverTouchActions::doubleTap() — Method in class WebDriverTouchActions
DesiredCapabilitiesClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Remote
DriverCommandClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Remote

This list of command defined in the WebDriver json wire protocol.

RemoteMouse::doubleClick() — Method in class RemoteMouse
$ RemoteTargetLocator#driverProperty in class RemoteTargetLocator
RemoteTargetLocator::defaultContent() — Method in class RemoteTargetLocator

Switch to the main document if the page contains iframes. Otherwise, switch to the first frame on the page.

RemoteTouchScreen::doubleTap() — Method in class RemoteTouchScreen
RemoteTouchScreen::down() — Method in class RemoteTouchScreen
DriverCommandExecutorClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Remote\Service

A HttpCommandExecutor that talks to a local driver service instead of a remote server.

DriverServiceClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Remote\Service
$ EventFiringWebDriver#driverProperty in class EventFiringWebDriver
$ EventFiringWebDriver#dispatcherProperty in class EventFiringWebDriver
EventFiringWebDriver::dispatch() — Method in class EventFiringWebDriver
$ EventFiringWebDriverNavigation#dispatcherProperty in class EventFiringWebDriverNavigation
EventFiringWebDriverNavigation::dispatch() — Method in class EventFiringWebDriverNavigation
$ EventFiringWebElement#dispatcherProperty in class EventFiringWebElement
EventFiringWebElement::dispatch() — Method in class EventFiringWebElement
WebDriverAlert::dismiss() — Method in class WebDriverAlert

Dismiss alert

$ WebDriverDispatcher#driverProperty in class WebDriverDispatcher
WebDriverDispatcher::dispatch() — Method in class WebDriverDispatcher
WebDriverMouse::doubleClick() — Method in class WebDriverMouse
WebDriverOptions::deleteAllCookies() — Method in class WebDriverOptions

Delete all the cookies that are currently visible.

WebDriverOptions::deleteCookieNamed() — Method in class WebDriverOptions

Delete the cookie with the give name.

WebDriverSelect::deselectAll() — Method in class WebDriverSelect

Deselect all options in multiple select tag.

WebDriverSelect::deselectByIndex() — Method in class WebDriverSelect

Deselect the option at the given index.

WebDriverSelect::deselectByValue() — Method in class WebDriverSelect

Deselect all options that have value attribute matching the argument. That is, when given "foo" this would select an option like:

WebDriverSelect::deselectByVisibleText() — Method in class WebDriverSelect

Deselect all options that display text matching the argument. That is, when given "Bar" this would select an option like:

WebDriverTargetLocator::defaultContent() — Method in class WebDriverTargetLocator

Switch to the main document if the page contains iframes. Otherwise, switch to the first frame on the page.

$ WebDriverWait#driverProperty in class WebDriverWait


ElementNotSelectableExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
ElementNotVisibleExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
ExpectedExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
FirefoxProfile::encode() — Method in class FirefoxProfile
JavaScriptExecutor::executeScript() — Method in class JavaScriptExecutor

Inject a snippet of JavaScript into the page for execution in the context of the currently selected frame. The executed script is assumed to be synchronous and the result of evaluating the script will be returned.

JavaScriptExecutor::executeAsyncScript() — Method in class JavaScriptExecutor

Inject a snippet of JavaScript into the page for asynchronous execution in the context of the currently selected frame.

ExecuteMethodClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Remote
ExecuteMethod::execute() — Method in class ExecuteMethod
HttpCommandExecutor::execute() — Method in class HttpCommandExecutor
RemoteExecuteMethod::execute() — Method in class RemoteExecuteMethod
$ RemoteTargetLocator#executorProperty in class RemoteTargetLocator
$ RemoteWebDriver#executorProperty in class RemoteWebDriver
$ RemoteWebDriver#executeMethodProperty in class RemoteWebDriver
RemoteWebDriver::executeScript() — Method in class RemoteWebDriver

Inject a snippet of JavaScript into the page for execution in the context of the currently selected frame. The executed script is assumed to be synchronous and the result of evaluating the script will be returned.

RemoteWebDriver::executeAsyncScript() — Method in class RemoteWebDriver

Inject a snippet of JavaScript into the page for asynchronous execution in the context of the currently selected frame.

RemoteWebDriver::execute() — Method in class RemoteWebDriver
$ RemoteWebElement#executorProperty in class RemoteWebElement
RemoteWebElement::equals() — Method in class RemoteWebElement

Test if two element IDs refer to the same DOM element.

DriverCommandExecutor::execute() — Method in class DriverCommandExecutor
EventFiringWebDriverClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Support\Events
EventFiringWebDriver::executeScript() — Method in class EventFiringWebDriver
EventFiringWebDriver::executeAsyncScript() — Method in class EventFiringWebDriver
EventFiringWebDriver::execute() — Method in class EventFiringWebDriver
EventFiringWebDriverNavigationClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Support\Events
EventFiringWebElementClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Support\Events
$ EventFiringWebElement#elementProperty in class EventFiringWebElement
EventFiringWebElement::equals() — Method in class EventFiringWebElement

Test if two element IDs refer to the same DOM element.

WebDriver::execute() — Method in class WebDriver
$ WebDriverAlert#executorProperty in class WebDriverAlert
WebDriverCommandExecutor::execute() — Method in class WebDriverCommandExecutor
WebDriverDimension::equals() — Method in class WebDriverDimension

Check whether the given dimension is the same as the instance.

WebDriverExpectedCondition::elementToBeClickable() — Method in class WebDriverExpectedCondition

An expectation for checking an element is visible and enabled such that you can click it.

WebDriverExpectedCondition::elementToBeSelected() — Method in class WebDriverExpectedCondition

An expectation for checking if the given element is selected.

WebDriverExpectedCondition::elementSelectionStateToBe() — Method in class WebDriverExpectedCondition

An expectation for checking if the given element is selected.

WebDriverKeys::encode() — Method in class WebDriverKeys

Encode input of sendKeys().

$ WebDriverNavigation#executorProperty in class WebDriverNavigation
$ WebDriverOptions#executorProperty in class WebDriverOptions
WebDriverPoint::equals() — Method in class WebDriverPoint

Check whether the given point is the same as the instance.

WebDriverSelect::escapeQuotes() — Method in class WebDriverSelect

Convert strings with both quotes and ticks into: foo'"bar -> concat("foo'", '"', "bar")

$ WebDriverTimeouts#executorProperty in class WebDriverTimeouts
$ WebDriverWindow#executorProperty in class WebDriverWindow


FirefoxDriverClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Firefox
FirefoxProfileClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Firefox
WebDriverKeysRelatedAction::focusOnElement() — Method in class WebDriverKeysRelatedAction
WebDriverTouchScreen::flick() — Method in class WebDriverTouchScreen

Flick on the touch screen using finger motion events. Use this flick command if you don't care where the flick starts on the screen.

WebDriverTouchScreen::flickFromElement() — Method in class WebDriverTouchScreen

Flick on the touch screen using finger motion events.

WebDriverTouchActions::flick() — Method in class WebDriverTouchActions
WebDriverTouchActions::flickFromElement() — Method in class WebDriverTouchActions
DesiredCapabilities::firefox() — Method in class DesiredCapabilities
FileDetectorClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Remote
RemoteTargetLocator::frame() — Method in class RemoteTargetLocator

Switch to the iframe by its id or name.

RemoteTouchScreen::flick() — Method in class RemoteTouchScreen
RemoteTouchScreen::flickFromElement() — Method in class RemoteTouchScreen
RemoteWebDriver::findElement() — Method in class RemoteWebDriver

Find the first WebDriverElement using the given mechanism.

RemoteWebDriver::findElements() — Method in class RemoteWebDriver

Find all WebDriverElements within the current page using the given mechanism.

$ RemoteWebElement#fileDetectorProperty in class RemoteWebElement
RemoteWebElement::findElement() — Method in class RemoteWebElement

Find the first WebDriverElement within this element using the given mechanism.

RemoteWebElement::findElements() — Method in class RemoteWebElement

Find all WebDriverElements within this element using the given mechanism.

EventFiringWebDriver::findElements() — Method in class EventFiringWebDriver
EventFiringWebDriver::findElement() — Method in class EventFiringWebDriver
EventFiringWebDriverNavigation::forward() — Method in class EventFiringWebDriverNavigation
EventFiringWebElement::findElement() — Method in class EventFiringWebElement
EventFiringWebElement::findElements() — Method in class EventFiringWebElement
WebDriverExpectedCondition::frameToBeAvailableAndSwitchToIt() — Method in class WebDriverExpectedCondition

Expectation for checking if iFrame exists.

WebDriverNavigation::forward() — Method in class WebDriverNavigation

Move forward a single entry in the browser's history, if possible.

WebDriverSearchContext::findElement() — Method in class WebDriverSearchContext

Find the first WebDriverElement within this element using the given mechanism.

WebDriverSearchContext::findElements() — Method in class WebDriverSearchContext

Find all WebDriverElements within this element using the given mechanism.

WebDriverTargetLocator::frame() — Method in class WebDriverTargetLocator

Switch to the iframe by its id or name.


WebDriverException::getResults() — Method in class WebDriverException
WebDriverCoordinates::getAuxiliary() — Method in class WebDriverCoordinates
WebDriverMouseAction::getActionLocation() — Method in class WebDriverMouseAction
WebDriverTouchAction::getActionLocation() — Method in class WebDriverTouchAction
WebDriverCompositeAction::getNumberOfActions() — Method in class WebDriverCompositeAction

Get the number of actions in the sequence.

WebDriverLocatable::getCoordinates() — Method in class WebDriverLocatable
DesiredCapabilities::getBrowserName() — Method in class DesiredCapabilities
DesiredCapabilities::getVersion() — Method in class DesiredCapabilities
DesiredCapabilities::getCapability() — Method in class DesiredCapabilities
DesiredCapabilities::getPlatform() — Method in class DesiredCapabilities
FileDetector::getLocalFile() — Method in class FileDetector

Try to detect whether the given $file is a file or not. Return the path of the file. Otherwise, return null.

HttpCommandExecutor::getAddressOfRemoteServer() — Method in class HttpCommandExecutor
LocalFileDetector::getLocalFile() — Method in class LocalFileDetector
RemoteWebDriver::get() — Method in class RemoteWebDriver

Load a new web page in the current browser window.

RemoteWebDriver::getCurrentURL() — Method in class RemoteWebDriver

Get a string representing the current URL that the browser is looking at.

RemoteWebDriver::getPageSource() — Method in class RemoteWebDriver

Get the source of the last loaded page.

RemoteWebDriver::getTitle() — Method in class RemoteWebDriver

Get the title of the current page.

RemoteWebDriver::getWindowHandle() — Method in class RemoteWebDriver

Return an opaque handle to this window that uniquely identifies it within this driver instance.

RemoteWebDriver::getWindowHandles() — Method in class RemoteWebDriver

Get all window handles available to the current session.

RemoteWebDriver::getMouse() — Method in class RemoteWebDriver
RemoteWebDriver::getKeyboard() — Method in class RemoteWebDriver
RemoteWebDriver::getTouch() — Method in class RemoteWebDriver
RemoteWebDriver::getExecuteMethod() — Method in class RemoteWebDriver
RemoteWebDriver::getCommandExecutor() — Method in class RemoteWebDriver

Set the command executor of this RemoteWebdriver

RemoteWebDriver::getSessionID() — Method in class RemoteWebDriver

Get current selenium sessionID

RemoteWebDriver::getAllSessions() — Method in class RemoteWebDriver

Get all selenium sessions.

RemoteWebElement::getAttribute() — Method in class RemoteWebElement

Get the value of a the given attribute of the element.

RemoteWebElement::getCSSValue() — Method in class RemoteWebElement

Get the value of a given CSS property.

RemoteWebElement::getLocation() — Method in class RemoteWebElement

Get the location of element relative to the top-left corner of the page.

RemoteWebElement::getLocationOnScreenOnceScrolledIntoView() — Method in class RemoteWebElement

Try scrolling the element into the view port and return the location of element relative to the top-left corner of the page afterwards.

RemoteWebElement::getCoordinates() — Method in class RemoteWebElement
RemoteWebElement::getSize() — Method in class RemoteWebElement

Get the size of element.

RemoteWebElement::getTagName() — Method in class RemoteWebElement

Get the tag name of this element.

RemoteWebElement::getText() — Method in class RemoteWebElement

Get the visible (i.e. not hidden by CSS) innerText of this element, including sub-elements, without any leading or trailing whitespace.

RemoteWebElement::getID() — Method in class RemoteWebElement

Get the opaque ID of the element.

DriverService::getURL() — Method in class DriverService
UselessFileDetector::getLocalFile() — Method in class UselessFileDetector
WebDriverCommand::getName() — Method in class WebDriverCommand
WebDriverCommand::getSessionID() — Method in class WebDriverCommand
WebDriverCommand::getParameters() — Method in class WebDriverCommand
WebDriverResponse::getStatus() — Method in class WebDriverResponse
WebDriverResponse::getValue() — Method in class WebDriverResponse
WebDriverResponse::getSessionID() — Method in class WebDriverResponse
EventFiringWebDriver::getDispatcher() — Method in class EventFiringWebDriver
EventFiringWebDriver::getWebDriver() — Method in class EventFiringWebDriver
EventFiringWebDriver::get() — Method in class EventFiringWebDriver
EventFiringWebDriver::getCurrentURL() — Method in class EventFiringWebDriver
EventFiringWebDriver::getPageSource() — Method in class EventFiringWebDriver
EventFiringWebDriver::getTitle() — Method in class EventFiringWebDriver
EventFiringWebDriver::getWindowHandle() — Method in class EventFiringWebDriver
EventFiringWebDriver::getWindowHandles() — Method in class EventFiringWebDriver
EventFiringWebDriver::getTouch() — Method in class EventFiringWebDriver
EventFiringWebDriverNavigation::getDispatcher() — Method in class EventFiringWebDriverNavigation
EventFiringWebDriverNavigation::getNavigator() — Method in class EventFiringWebDriverNavigation
EventFiringWebElement::getDispatcher() — Method in class EventFiringWebElement
EventFiringWebElement::getElement() — Method in class EventFiringWebElement
EventFiringWebElement::getAttribute() — Method in class EventFiringWebElement
EventFiringWebElement::getCSSValue() — Method in class EventFiringWebElement
EventFiringWebElement::getLocation() — Method in class EventFiringWebElement
EventFiringWebElement::getLocationOnScreenOnceScrolledIntoView() — Method in class EventFiringWebElement
EventFiringWebElement::getCoordinates() — Method in class EventFiringWebElement
EventFiringWebElement::getSize() — Method in class EventFiringWebElement
EventFiringWebElement::getTagName() — Method in class EventFiringWebElement
EventFiringWebElement::getText() — Method in class EventFiringWebElement
EventFiringWebElement::getID() — Method in class EventFiringWebElement
WebDriver::get() — Method in class WebDriver

Load a new web page in the current browser window.

WebDriver::getCurrentURL() — Method in class WebDriver

Get a string representing the current URL that the browser is looking at.

WebDriver::getPageSource() — Method in class WebDriver

Get the source of the last loaded page.

WebDriver::getTitle() — Method in class WebDriver

Get the title of the current page.

WebDriver::getWindowHandle() — Method in class WebDriver

Return an opaque handle to this window that uniquely identifies it within this driver instance.

WebDriver::getWindowHandles() — Method in class WebDriver

Get all window handles available to the current session.

WebDriverAlert::getText() — Method in class WebDriverAlert

Get alert text

WebDriverBy::getMechanism() — Method in class WebDriverBy
WebDriverBy::getValue() — Method in class WebDriverBy
WebDriverCapabilities::getBrowserName() — Method in class WebDriverCapabilities
WebDriverCapabilities::getCapability() — Method in class WebDriverCapabilities
WebDriverCapabilities::getPlatform() — Method in class WebDriverCapabilities
WebDriverCapabilities::getVersion() — Method in class WebDriverCapabilities
WebDriverDimension::getHeight() — Method in class WebDriverDimension

Get the height.

WebDriverDimension::getWidth() — Method in class WebDriverDimension

Get the width.

WebDriverDispatcher::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class WebDriverDispatcher
WebDriverElement::getAttribute() — Method in class WebDriverElement

Get the value of a the given attribute of the element.

WebDriverElement::getCSSValue() — Method in class WebDriverElement

Get the value of a given CSS property.

WebDriverElement::getLocation() — Method in class WebDriverElement

Get the location of element relative to the top-left corner of the page.

WebDriverElement::getLocationOnScreenOnceScrolledIntoView() — Method in class WebDriverElement

Try scrolling the element into the view port and return the location of element relative to the top-left corner of the page afterwards.

WebDriverElement::getSize() — Method in class WebDriverElement

Get the size of element.

WebDriverElement::getTagName() — Method in class WebDriverElement

Get the tag name of this element.

WebDriverElement::getText() — Method in class WebDriverElement

Get the visible (i.e. not hidden by CSS) innerText of this element, including sub-elements, without any leading or trailing whitespace.

WebDriverElement::getID() — Method in class WebDriverElement

Get the opaque ID of the element.

WebDriverExpectedCondition::getApply() — Method in class WebDriverExpectedCondition
WebDriverHasInputDevices::getKeyboard() — Method in class WebDriverHasInputDevices
WebDriverHasInputDevices::getMouse() — Method in class WebDriverHasInputDevices
WebDriverOptions::getCookieNamed() — Method in class WebDriverOptions

Get the cookie with a given name.

WebDriverOptions::getCookies() — Method in class WebDriverOptions

Get all the cookies for the current domain.

WebDriverOptions::getLog() — Method in class WebDriverOptions

Get the log for a given log type. Log buffer is reset after each request.

WebDriverOptions::getAvailableLogTypes() — Method in class WebDriverOptions

Get available log types.

WebDriverPoint::getX() — Method in class WebDriverPoint

Get the x-coordinate.

WebDriverPoint::getY() — Method in class WebDriverPoint

Get the y-coordinate.

WebDriverSelect::getOptions() — Method in class WebDriverSelect
WebDriverSelect::getAllSelectedOptions() — Method in class WebDriverSelect
WebDriverSelect::getFirstSelectedOption() — Method in class WebDriverSelect
WebDriverWindow::getPosition() — Method in class WebDriverWindow

Get the position of the current window, relative to the upper left corner of the screen.

WebDriverWindow::getSize() — Method in class WebDriverWindow

Get the size of the current window. This will return the outer window dimension, not just the view port.

WebDriverWindow::getScreenOrientation() — Method in class WebDriverWindow

Get the current browser orientation.


DesiredCapabilities::htmlUnit() — Method in class DesiredCapabilities
DesiredCapabilities::htmlUnitWithJS() — Method in class DesiredCapabilities
HttpCommandExecutorClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Remote

Command executor talking to the standalone server via HTTP.


IMEEngineActivationFailedExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
IMENotAvailableExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
InvalidCookieDomainExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
InvalidCoordinatesExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
InvalidElementStateExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
InvalidSelectorExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
WebDriverCoordinates::inViewPort() — Method in class WebDriverCoordinates
DesiredCapabilities::is() — Method in class DesiredCapabilities
DesiredCapabilities::isJavascriptEnabled() — Method in class DesiredCapabilities
DesiredCapabilities::internetExplorer() — Method in class DesiredCapabilities
DesiredCapabilities::iphone() — Method in class DesiredCapabilities
DesiredCapabilities::ipad() — Method in class DesiredCapabilities
$ RemoteWebElement#idProperty in class RemoteWebElement
RemoteWebElement::isDisplayed() — Method in class RemoteWebElement

Is this element displayed or not? This method avoids the problem of having to parse an element's "style" attribute.

RemoteWebElement::isEnabled() — Method in class RemoteWebElement

Is the element currently enabled or not? This will generally return true for everything but disabled input elements.

RemoteWebElement::isSelected() — Method in class RemoteWebElement

Determine whether or not this element is selected or not.

DriverService::isRunning() — Method in class DriverService
EventFiringWebElement::isDisplayed() — Method in class EventFiringWebElement
EventFiringWebElement::isEnabled() — Method in class EventFiringWebElement
EventFiringWebElement::isSelected() — Method in class EventFiringWebElement
WebDriverBy::id() — Method in class WebDriverBy

Locates elements whose ID attribute matches the search value.

WebDriverCapabilities::is() — Method in class WebDriverCapabilities
WebDriverCapabilities::isJavascriptEnabled() — Method in class WebDriverCapabilities
WebDriverElement::isDisplayed() — Method in class WebDriverElement

Is this element displayed or not? This method avoids the problem of having to parse an element's "style" attribute.

WebDriverElement::isEnabled() — Method in class WebDriverElement

Is the element currently enabled or not? This will generally return true for everything but disabled input elements.

WebDriverElement::isSelected() — Method in class WebDriverElement

Determine whether or not this element is selected or not.

WebDriverExpectedCondition::invisibilityOfElementLocated() — Method in class WebDriverExpectedCondition

An expectation for checking that an element is either invisible or not present on the DOM.

WebDriverExpectedCondition::invisibilityOfElementWithText() — Method in class WebDriverExpectedCondition

An expectation for checking that an element with text is either invisible or not present on the DOM.

WebDriverSelect::isMultiple() — Method in class WebDriverSelect
WebDriverTimeouts::implicitlyWait() — Method in class WebDriverTimeouts

Specify the amount of time the driver should wait when searching for an element if it is not immediately present.

$ WebDriverWait#intervalProperty in class WebDriverWait


JavaScriptExecutorClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver

WebDriver interface implemented by drivers that support JavaScript.


$ WebDriverKeysRelatedAction#keyboardProperty in class WebDriverKeysRelatedAction
$ WebDriverSingleKeyAction#keyProperty in class WebDriverSingleKeyAction
$ WebDriverActions#keyboardProperty in class WebDriverActions
WebDriverActions::keyDown() — Method in class WebDriverActions

Press a key on keyboard.

WebDriverActions::keyUp() — Method in class WebDriverActions

Release a key on keyboard.

$ RemoteWebDriver#keyboardProperty in class RemoteWebDriver


$ WebDriverKeysRelatedAction#locationProviderProperty in class WebDriverKeysRelatedAction
$ WebDriverMouseAction#locationProviderProperty in class WebDriverMouseAction
$ WebDriverTouchAction#locationProviderProperty in class WebDriverTouchAction
WebDriverTouchScreen::longPress() — Method in class WebDriverTouchScreen

Long press on the touch screen using finger motion events.

WebDriverTouchActions::longPress() — Method in class WebDriverTouchActions
LocalFileDetectorClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Remote
RemoteTouchScreen::longPress() — Method in class RemoteTouchScreen
WebDriverBy::linkText() — Method in class WebDriverBy

Locates anchor elements whose visible text matches the search value.

$ WebDriverDispatcher#listenersProperty in class WebDriverDispatcher


MoveTargetOutOfBoundsExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
$ WebDriverKeysRelatedAction#mouseProperty in class WebDriverKeysRelatedAction
$ WebDriverMouseAction#mouseProperty in class WebDriverMouseAction
WebDriverMouseAction::moveToLocation() — Method in class WebDriverMouseAction
WebDriverTouchScreen::move() — Method in class WebDriverTouchScreen

Finger move on the screen.

$ WebDriverActions#mouseProperty in class WebDriverActions
WebDriverActions::moveByOffset() — Method in class WebDriverActions

Mouse move by offset.

WebDriverActions::moveToElement() — Method in class WebDriverActions

Move to the middle of the given WebDriverElement. If offset are provided, move the an offset from the top-left cornerof that element.

WebDriverTouchActions::move() — Method in class WebDriverTouchActions
RemoteMouse::mouseDown() — Method in class RemoteMouse
RemoteMouse::mouseMove() — Method in class RemoteMouse
RemoteMouse::mouseUp() — Method in class RemoteMouse
RemoteMouse::moveIfNeeded() — Method in class RemoteMouse
RemoteTouchScreen::move() — Method in class RemoteTouchScreen
$ RemoteWebDriver#mouseProperty in class RemoteWebDriver
RemoteWebDriver::manage() — Method in class RemoteWebDriver

An abstraction for managing stuff you would do in a browser menu. For example, adding and deleting cookies.

EventFiringWebDriver::manage() — Method in class EventFiringWebDriver
WebDriver::manage() — Method in class WebDriver

An abstraction for managing stuff you would do in a browser menu. For example, adding and deleting cookies.

WebDriverMouse::mouseDown() — Method in class WebDriverMouse
WebDriverMouse::mouseMove() — Method in class WebDriverMouse
WebDriverMouse::mouseUp() — Method in class WebDriverMouse
WebDriverPoint::move() — Method in class WebDriverPoint

Set the point to a new position.

WebDriverPoint::moveBy() — Method in class WebDriverPoint

Move the current by offsets.

WebDriverWindow::maximize() — Method in class WebDriverWindow

Maximizes the current window if it is not already maximized


NoAlertOpenExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
NoCollectionExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
NoScriptResultExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
NoStringExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
NoStringLengthExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
NoStringWrapperExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
NoSuchCollectionExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
NoSuchDocumentExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
NoSuchDriverExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
NoSuchElementExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
NoSuchFrameExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
NoSuchWindowExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
NullPointerExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
RemoteWebDriver::navigate() — Method in class RemoteWebDriver

An abstraction allowing the driver to access the browser's history and to navigate to a given URL.

RemoteWebDriver::newElement() — Method in class RemoteWebDriver

Return the WebDriverElement with the given id.

RemoteWebElement::newElement() — Method in class RemoteWebElement

Return the WebDriverElement with $id

EventFiringWebDriver::newElement() — Method in class EventFiringWebDriver
EventFiringWebDriver::navigate() — Method in class EventFiringWebDriver
$ EventFiringWebDriverNavigation#navigatorProperty in class EventFiringWebDriverNavigation
EventFiringWebElement::newElement() — Method in class EventFiringWebElement
WebDriver::navigate() — Method in class WebDriver

An abstraction allowing the driver to access the browser's history and to navigate to a given URL.

WebDriverBy::name() — Method in class WebDriverBy

Locates elements whose NAME attribute matches the search value.

WebDriverExpectedCondition::not() — Method in class WebDriverExpectedCondition

An expectation with the logical opposite condition of the given condition.


WebDriverCoordinates::onScreen() — Method in class WebDriverCoordinates
WebDriverCoordinates::onPage() — Method in class WebDriverCoordinates
DesiredCapabilities::opera() — Method in class DesiredCapabilities
WebDriverEventListener::onException() — Method in class WebDriverEventListener


WebDriverButtonReleaseAction::perform() — Method in class WebDriverButtonReleaseAction
WebDriverClickAction::perform() — Method in class WebDriverClickAction
WebDriverClickAndHoldAction::perform() — Method in class WebDriverClickAndHoldAction
WebDriverContextClickAction::perform() — Method in class WebDriverContextClickAction
WebDriverDoubleClickAction::perform() — Method in class WebDriverDoubleClickAction
WebDriverKeyDownAction::perform() — Method in class WebDriverKeyDownAction
WebDriverKeyUpAction::perform() — Method in class WebDriverKeyUpAction
WebDriverMouseMoveAction::perform() — Method in class WebDriverMouseMoveAction
WebDriverMoveToOffsetAction::perform() — Method in class WebDriverMoveToOffsetAction
WebDriverSendKeysAction::perform() — Method in class WebDriverSendKeysAction
WebDriverDoubleTapAction::perform() — Method in class WebDriverDoubleTapAction
WebDriverDownAction::perform() — Method in class WebDriverDownAction
WebDriverFlickAction::perform() — Method in class WebDriverFlickAction
WebDriverFlickFromElementAction::perform() — Method in class WebDriverFlickFromElementAction
WebDriverLongPressAction::perform() — Method in class WebDriverLongPressAction
WebDriverMoveAction::perform() — Method in class WebDriverMoveAction
WebDriverScrollAction::perform() — Method in class WebDriverScrollAction
WebDriverScrollFromElementAction::perform() — Method in class WebDriverScrollFromElementAction
WebDriverTapAction::perform() — Method in class WebDriverTapAction
WebDriverActions::perform() — Method in class WebDriverActions

A convenience method for performing the actions without calling build().

WebDriverCompositeAction::perform() — Method in class WebDriverCompositeAction

Perform the seqeunce of actions.

DesiredCapabilities::phantomjs() — Method in class DesiredCapabilities
RemoteKeyboard::pressKey() — Method in class RemoteKeyboard

Press a modifier key

WebDriverAction::perform() — Method in class WebDriverAction
WebDriverBy::partialLinkText() — Method in class WebDriverBy

Locates anchor elements whose visible text partially matches the search value.

WebDriverExpectedCondition::presenceOfElementLocated() — Method in class WebDriverExpectedCondition

An expectation for checking that an element is present on the DOM of a page. This does not necessarily mean that the element is visible.

WebDriverExpectedCondition::presenceOfAllElementsLocatedBy() — Method in class WebDriverExpectedCondition

An expectation for checking that there is at least one element present on a web page.

WebDriverKeyboard::pressKey() — Method in class WebDriverKeyboard

Press a key

WebDriverTimeouts::pageLoadTimeout() — Method in class WebDriverTimeouts

Set the amount of time to wait for a page load to complete before throwing an error.

WebDriverUpAction::perform() — Method in class WebDriverUpAction


RemoteWebDriver::quit() — Method in class RemoteWebDriver

Quits this driver, closing every associated window.

EventFiringWebDriver::quit() — Method in class EventFiringWebDriver
WebDriver::quit() — Method in class WebDriver

Quits this driver, closing every associated window.


WebDriverActions::release() — Method in class WebDriverActions

Release the mouse button.

RemoteExecuteMethodClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Remote
RemoteKeyboardClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Remote

Execute keyboard commands for RemoteWebDriver.

RemoteKeyboard::releaseKey() — Method in class RemoteKeyboard

Release a modifier key

RemoteMouseClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Remote

Execute mouse commands for RemoteWebDriver.

RemoteTargetLocatorClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Remote

Used to locate a given frame or window for RemoteWebDriver.

RemoteTouchScreenClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Remote

Execute touch commands for RemoteWebDriver.

RemoteWebDriverClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Remote
RemoteWebElementClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Remote

Represents an HTML element.

EventFiringWebDriverNavigation::refresh() — Method in class EventFiringWebDriverNavigation
WebDriverDispatcher::register() — Method in class WebDriverDispatcher
WebDriverExpectedCondition::refreshed() — Method in class WebDriverExpectedCondition

Wrapper for a condition, which allows for elements to update by redrawing.

WebDriverKeyboard::releaseKey() — Method in class WebDriverKeyboard

Release a key

WebDriverNavigation::refresh() — Method in class WebDriverNavigation

Refresh the current page.


ChromeDriver::start() — Method in class ChromeDriver
ChromeDriver::startSession() — Method in class ChromeDriver
ChromeOptions::setBinary() — Method in class ChromeOptions

Sets the path of the Chrome executable. The path should be either absolute or relative to the location running ChromeDriver server.

ChromeOptions::setExperimentalOption() — Method in class ChromeOptions

Sets an experimental option which has not exposed officially.

ScriptTimeoutExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
SessionNotCreatedExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
StaleElementReferenceExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
FirefoxProfile::setRdfFile() — Method in class FirefoxProfile
FirefoxProfile::setPreference() — Method in class FirefoxProfile
WebDriverTouchScreen::scroll() — Method in class WebDriverTouchScreen

Scroll on the touch screen using finger based motion events. Use this command if you don't care where the scroll starts on the screen.

WebDriverTouchScreen::scrollFromElement() — Method in class WebDriverTouchScreen

Scroll on the touch screen using finger based motion events. Use this command to start scrolling at a particular screen location.

WebDriverActions::sendKeys() — Method in class WebDriverActions

Send keys by keyboard.

WebDriverTouchActions::scroll() — Method in class WebDriverTouchActions
WebDriverTouchActions::scrollFromElement() — Method in class WebDriverTouchActions
DesiredCapabilities::setBrowserName() — Method in class DesiredCapabilities
DesiredCapabilities::setVersion() — Method in class DesiredCapabilities
DesiredCapabilities::setCapability() — Method in class DesiredCapabilities
DesiredCapabilities::setPlatform() — Method in class DesiredCapabilities
DesiredCapabilities::setJavascriptEnabled() — Method in class DesiredCapabilities

This is a htmlUnit-only option.

DesiredCapabilities::safari() — Method in class DesiredCapabilities
HttpCommandExecutor::setConnectionTimeout() — Method in class HttpCommandExecutor

Set timeout for the connect phase

HttpCommandExecutor::setRequestTimeout() — Method in class HttpCommandExecutor

Set the maximum time of a request

RemoteKeyboard::sendKeys() — Method in class RemoteKeyboard

Send keys to active element

RemoteTouchScreen::scroll() — Method in class RemoteTouchScreen
RemoteTouchScreen::scrollFromElement() — Method in class RemoteTouchScreen
$ RemoteWebDriver#sessionIDProperty in class RemoteWebDriver
RemoteWebDriver::switchTo() — Method in class RemoteWebDriver

Switch to a different window or frame.

RemoteWebDriver::setCommandExecutor() — Method in class RemoteWebDriver

Set the command executor of this RemoteWebdriver

RemoteWebDriver::setSessionID() — Method in class RemoteWebDriver

Set the session id of the RemoteWebDriver.

RemoteWebElement::sendKeys() — Method in class RemoteWebElement

Simulate typing into an element, which may set its value.

RemoteWebElement::setFileDetector() — Method in class RemoteWebElement

Set the fileDetector in order to let the RemoteWebElement to know that you are going to upload a file.

RemoteWebElement::submit() — Method in class RemoteWebElement

If this current element is a form, or an element within a form, then this will be submitted to the remote server.

DriverService::start() — Method in class DriverService
DriverService::stop() — Method in class DriverService
WebDriverResponse::setStatus() — Method in class WebDriverResponse
WebDriverResponse::setValue() — Method in class WebDriverResponse
WebDriverResponse::setSessionID() — Method in class WebDriverResponse
EventFiringWebDriver::switchTo() — Method in class EventFiringWebDriver
EventFiringWebElement::sendKeys() — Method in class EventFiringWebElement
EventFiringWebElement::submit() — Method in class EventFiringWebElement
WebDriver::switchTo() — Method in class WebDriver

Switch to a different window or frame.

WebDriverAlert::sendKeys() — Method in class WebDriverAlert

Send keystrokes to javascript prompt() dialog

WebDriverDispatcher::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class WebDriverDispatcher

this is needed so that EventFiringWebElement can pass the driver to the exception handling

WebDriverElement::sendKeys() — Method in class WebDriverElement

Simulate typing into an element, which may set its value.

WebDriverElement::submit() — Method in class WebDriverElement

If this current element is a form, or an element within a form, then this will be submitted to the remote server.

WebDriverExpectedCondition::stalenessOf() — Method in class WebDriverExpectedCondition

Wait until an element is no longer attached to the DOM.

WebDriverKeyboard::sendKeys() — Method in class WebDriverKeyboard

Send a sequence of keys.

WebDriverSelect::selectByIndex() — Method in class WebDriverSelect

Select the option at the given index.

WebDriverSelect::selectByValue() — Method in class WebDriverSelect

Select all options that have value attribute matching the argument. That is, when given "foo" this would select an option like:

WebDriverSelect::selectByVisibleText() — Method in class WebDriverSelect

Select all options that display text matching the argument. That is, when given "Bar" this would select an option like:

WebDriverTimeouts::setScriptTimeout() — Method in class WebDriverTimeouts

Set the amount of time to wait for an asynchronous script to finish execution before throwing an error.

WebDriverWindow::setSize() — Method in class WebDriverWindow

Set the size of the current window. This will change the outer window dimension, not just the view port.

WebDriverWindow::setPosition() — Method in class WebDriverWindow

Set the position of the current window. This is relative to the upper left corner of the screen.

WebDriverWindow::setScreenOrientation() — Method in class WebDriverWindow

Set the browser orientation. The orientation should either LANDSCAPE|PORTRAIT


ChromeOptions::toCapabilities() — Method in class ChromeOptions
ChromeOptions::toArray() — Method in class ChromeOptions
TimeOutExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
WebDriverException::throwException() — Method in class WebDriverException

Throw WebDriverExceptions.

$ WebDriverTouchAction#touchScreenProperty in class WebDriverTouchAction
WebDriverTouchScreen::tap() — Method in class WebDriverTouchScreen

Single tap on the touch enabled device.

$ WebDriverTouchActions#touchScreenProperty in class WebDriverTouchActions
WebDriverTouchActions::tap() — Method in class WebDriverTouchActions
DesiredCapabilities::toArray() — Method in class DesiredCapabilities
RemoteTouchScreen::tap() — Method in class RemoteTouchScreen
$ RemoteWebDriver#touchProperty in class RemoteWebDriver
RemoteWebDriver::takeScreenshot() — Method in class RemoteWebDriver

Take a screenshot of the current page.

EventFiringWebDriver::takeScreenshot() — Method in class EventFiringWebDriver
EventFiringWebDriverNavigation::to() — Method in class EventFiringWebDriverNavigation
WebDriver::takeScreenshot() — Method in class WebDriver

Take a screenshot of the current page.

WebDriverBy::tagName() — Method in class WebDriverBy

Locates elements whose tag name matches the search value.

WebDriverExpectedCondition::titleIs() — Method in class WebDriverExpectedCondition

An expectation for checking the title of a page.

WebDriverExpectedCondition::titleContains() — Method in class WebDriverExpectedCondition

An expectation for checking substring of a page Title.

WebDriverExpectedCondition::textToBePresentInElement() — Method in class WebDriverExpectedCondition

An expectation for checking if the given text is present in the specified element.

WebDriverExpectedCondition::textToBePresentInElementValue() — Method in class WebDriverExpectedCondition

An expectation for checking if the given text is present in the specified elements value attribute.

WebDriverNavigation::to() — Method in class WebDriverNavigation

Navigate to the given URL.

WebDriverOptions::timeouts() — Method in class WebDriverOptions

Return the interface for managing driver timeouts.

$ WebDriverWait#timeoutProperty in class WebDriverWait


UnableToSetCookieExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
UnexpectedAlertOpenExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
UnexpectedJavascriptExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
UnexpectedTagNameExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
UnknownCommandExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
UnknownServerExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
UnrecognizedExceptionExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
UnsupportedOperationExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
WebDriverTouchScreen::up() — Method in class WebDriverTouchScreen

Finger up on the screen.

WebDriverTouchActions::up() — Method in class WebDriverTouchActions
URLCheckerClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Net
$ HttpCommandExecutor#urlProperty in class HttpCommandExecutor
RemoteTouchScreen::up() — Method in class RemoteTouchScreen
UselessFileDetectorClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Remote
WebDriverDispatcher::unregister() — Method in class WebDriverDispatcher
WebDriverWait::until() — Method in class WebDriverWait

Calls the function provided with the driver as an argument until the return value is not falsey.


WebDriverExpectedCondition::visibilityOfElementLocated() — Method in class WebDriverExpectedCondition

An expectation for checking that an element is present on the DOM of a page and visible. Visibility means that the element is not only displayed but also has a height and width that is greater than 0.

WebDriverExpectedCondition::visibilityOf() — Method in class WebDriverExpectedCondition

An expectation for checking that an element, known to be present on the DOM of a page, is visible. Visibility means that the element is not only displayed but also has a height and width that is greater than 0.


WebDriverCurlExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
WebDriverExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
WebDriverButtonReleaseActionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Interactions\Internal

Move to the location and then release the mouse key.

WebDriverClickActionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Interactions\Internal
WebDriverClickAndHoldActionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Interactions\Internal

Move the the location, click and hold.

WebDriverContextClickActionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Interactions\Internal

You can call it 'Right Click' if you like.

WebDriverCoordinatesClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Interactions\Internal

Interface representing basic mouse operations.

WebDriverDoubleClickActionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Interactions\Internal
WebDriverKeyDownActionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Interactions\Internal
WebDriverKeyUpActionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Interactions\Internal
WebDriverKeysRelatedActionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Interactions\Internal

Base class for all keyboard-related actions.

WebDriverMouseActionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Interactions\Internal

Base class for all mouse-related actions.

WebDriverMouseMoveActionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Interactions\Internal
WebDriverMoveToOffsetActionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Interactions\Internal
WebDriverSendKeysActionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Interactions\Internal
WebDriverSingleKeyActionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Interactions\Internal
WebDriverDoubleTapActionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Interactions\Touch
WebDriverDownActionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Interactions\Touch
WebDriverFlickActionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Interactions\Touch
WebDriverFlickFromElementActionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Interactions\Touch
WebDriverLongPressActionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Interactions\Touch
WebDriverMoveActionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Interactions\Touch
WebDriverScrollActionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Interactions\Touch
WebDriverScrollFromElementActionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Interactions\Touch
WebDriverTapActionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Interactions\Touch
WebDriverTouchActionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Interactions\Touch

Base class for all touch-related actions.

WebDriverTouchScreenClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Interactions\Touch

Interface representing touch screen operations.

WebDriverActionsClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Interactions

WebDriver action builder. It implements the builder pattern.

WebDriverCompositeActionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Interactions

An action for aggregating actions and triggering all of them afterwards.

WebDriverTouchActionsClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Interactions

WebDriver action builder for touch events

WebDriverLocatableClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Internal

interface representing basic mouse operations.

URLChecker::waitUntilAvailable() — Method in class URLChecker
URLChecker::waitUntilUnavailable() — Method in class URLChecker
RemoteTargetLocator::window() — Method in class RemoteTargetLocator

Switch the focus to another window by its handle.

RemoteWebDriver::wait() — Method in class RemoteWebDriver

Construct a new WebDriverWait by the current WebDriver instance.

WebDriverBrowserTypeClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Remote

All the browsers supported by selenium

WebDriverCapabilityTypeClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Remote

WebDriverCapabilityType contains all constants defined in the WebDriver Wire Protocol.

WebDriverCommandClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Remote
WebDriverResponseClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Remote
EventFiringWebDriver::wait() — Method in class EventFiringWebDriver
WebDriverClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver

The interface for WebDriver.

WebDriver::wait() — Method in class WebDriver

Construct a new WebDriverWait by the current WebDriver instance.

WebDriverActionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver

Interface representing a single user-interaction action.

WebDriverAlertClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver

An abstraction allowing the driver to manipulate the javascript alerts

WebDriverByClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver

The basic 8 mechanisms supported by webdriver to locate a web element.

WebDriverCapabilitiesClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver
WebDriverCommandExecutorClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver

Interface for all command executor.

WebDriverDimensionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver

Represent a dimension.

WebDriverDispatcherClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver
WebDriverElementClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver

Interface for an HTML element in the WebDriver framework.

WebDriverEventListenerClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver
WebDriverExpectedConditionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver

Canned ExpectedConditions which are generally useful within webdriver tests.

WebDriverHasInputDevicesClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver

Interface implemented by each driver that allows access to the input devices.

WebDriverKeyboardClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver
WebDriverKeysClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver

Representations of pressable keys that aren't text.

WebDriverMouseClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver

Interface representing basic mouse operations.

WebDriverNavigationClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver

An abstraction allowing the driver to access the browser's history and to navigate to a given URL.

WebDriverOptionsClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver

Managing stuff you would do in a browser.

WebDriverOptions::window() — Method in class WebDriverOptions

An abstraction allowing the driver to manipulate the browser's window

WebDriverPlatformClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver

The platforms supported by WebDriver.

WebDriverPointClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver

Represent a point.

WebDriverSearchContextClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver

The interface for WebDriver and WebDriverElement which is able to search for WebDriverElement inside.

WebDriverSelectClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver

Models a SELECT tag, providing helper methods to select and deselect options.

WebDriverTargetLocatorClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver

Used to locate a given frame or window.

WebDriverTargetLocator::window() — Method in class WebDriverTargetLocator

Switch the focus to another window by its handle.

WebDriverTimeoutsClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver

Managing timeout behavior for WebDriver instances.

WebDriverUpActionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver
WebDriverWaitClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver

A utility class, designed to help the user to wait until a condition turns true.

WebDriverWindowClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver

An abstraction allowing the driver to manipulate the browser's window


XPathLookupExceptionClass in namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Exception
WebDriverBy::xpath() — Method in class WebDriverBy

Locates elements matching an XPath expression.


UnexpectedTagNameException::__construct() — Method in class UnexpectedTagNameException
WebDriverException::__construct() — Method in class WebDriverException
WebDriverCoordinates::__construct() — Method in class WebDriverCoordinates
WebDriverKeysRelatedAction::__construct() — Method in class WebDriverKeysRelatedAction
WebDriverMouseAction::__construct() — Method in class WebDriverMouseAction
WebDriverMoveToOffsetAction::__construct() — Method in class WebDriverMoveToOffsetAction
WebDriverSendKeysAction::__construct() — Method in class WebDriverSendKeysAction
WebDriverSingleKeyAction::__construct() — Method in class WebDriverSingleKeyAction
WebDriverDownAction::__construct() — Method in class WebDriverDownAction
WebDriverFlickAction::__construct() — Method in class WebDriverFlickAction
WebDriverFlickFromElementAction::__construct() — Method in class WebDriverFlickFromElementAction
WebDriverMoveAction::__construct() — Method in class WebDriverMoveAction
WebDriverScrollAction::__construct() — Method in class WebDriverScrollAction
WebDriverScrollFromElementAction::__construct() — Method in class WebDriverScrollFromElementAction
WebDriverTouchAction::__construct() — Method in class WebDriverTouchAction
WebDriverActions::__construct() — Method in class WebDriverActions
WebDriverTouchActions::__construct() — Method in class WebDriverTouchActions
DesiredCapabilities::__construct() — Method in class DesiredCapabilities
HttpCommandExecutor::__construct() — Method in class HttpCommandExecutor
RemoteExecuteMethod::__construct() — Method in class RemoteExecuteMethod
RemoteKeyboard::__construct() — Method in class RemoteKeyboard
RemoteMouse::__construct() — Method in class RemoteMouse
RemoteTargetLocator::__construct() — Method in class RemoteTargetLocator
RemoteTouchScreen::__construct() — Method in class RemoteTouchScreen
RemoteWebDriver::__construct() — Method in class RemoteWebDriver
RemoteWebElement::__construct() — Method in class RemoteWebElement
DriverCommandExecutor::__construct() — Method in class DriverCommandExecutor
DriverService::__construct() — Method in class DriverService
WebDriverCommand::__construct() — Method in class WebDriverCommand
WebDriverResponse::__construct() — Method in class WebDriverResponse
EventFiringWebDriver::__construct() — Method in class EventFiringWebDriver
EventFiringWebDriverNavigation::__construct() — Method in class EventFiringWebDriverNavigation
EventFiringWebElement::__construct() — Method in class EventFiringWebElement
WebDriverAlert::__construct() — Method in class WebDriverAlert
WebDriverBy::__construct() — Method in class WebDriverBy
WebDriverDimension::__construct() — Method in class WebDriverDimension
WebDriverExpectedCondition::__construct() — Method in class WebDriverExpectedCondition
WebDriverNavigation::__construct() — Method in class WebDriverNavigation
WebDriverOptions::__construct() — Method in class WebDriverOptions
WebDriverPoint::__construct() — Method in class WebDriverPoint
WebDriverSelect::__construct() — Method in class WebDriverSelect
WebDriverTimeouts::__construct() — Method in class WebDriverTimeouts
WebDriverUpAction::__construct() — Method in class WebDriverUpAction
WebDriverWait::__construct() — Method in class WebDriverWait
WebDriverWindow::__construct() — Method in class WebDriverWindow